I don't know about you, but I used to get really worked up about taking energy gels during races. I would stress out about which ones to take when to take them, and how many. But then I realized that there are really no wrong answers when it comes to energy gels. So long as you're comfortable with them and they work for you, then that's all that matters. With that in mind, here are 11 reasons why you should stop stressing about energy gels!
- Energy Gels are a great way to fuel your body before and during a workout
- They help you stay hydrated and can improve performance
- Gels provide easily-digestible carbs for energy
- They come in a variety of flavours, so you can find one that you like
- Most gels contain electrolytes, which help keep you hydrated
- Some gels have caffeine, which can give you an energy boost
- Energy gels are a great way to fuel your body for a run or race
- They are easy to digest and won't upset your stomach
- You don't need to eat them hours before a race - they can be eaten right before you start
- Most energy gels contain carbohydrates, electrolytes, and protein
- They can help prevent muscle cramps and soreness
All in all, there's no need to stress about energy gels. As long as you're comfortable with them and they work for you, then that's all that matters! So why not try out a taster box and find your new favourite gel?